Friday, December 31, 2010

12 "Days" to Better Photographs--Day 11 Your Daily Environment

If you are keeping track (I doubt any of you are), then you will notice that I skipped day 10.  This is the last day of the month and I have not had a chance to get good landscapes, which I had planned to take on our trip up north.  Unfortunately that trip was snowed out, so we are here in the valley and its cloudy out right now, so here's Day 11.  (Day 12 was the "catchup week" so I just need to get out here soon and practice some landscape photography!)

1.  Capture a small snippet of your life that usually goes unnoticed.  My BIL is so thoughtful that he even grabbed a paper towel before his nap on the couch to catch the drool.

2. Share your favorite photo and tell a story.  These two have such a fun relationship.  K3 already know how to be rough with her brother and enjoy wrestling and how to be a playful baby and play baby games with her sister.

3. Create a visual record of your day.  I picked just an hour or so of our day, we went to the Candy Factory (shared a little yesterday, here's the full story)

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