Saturday, November 17, 2007
Knowing That You Are...
Tonight Ryan and I took Rachelle and Kate to the airport so that Rachelle could go to her Nease Hall RA reunion taking place tomorrow. I was a bit nervous with just Ryan, but excited to get some extended one-on-one time with him. We went to Cabela's to pick up a new EZ-up for the Children's Ministry (my new job-scroll down on the link) and we had a blast looking at all of the cool stuffed animals and neat gagets that they have there, knowing that if my good friend Jefe was with us he'd appreciate it so much more than these two suburban boys did.
Then I called a couple of my high school friends to see if they wanted to come over and play some Wii, maybe watch a movie or just hang or whatever. This is usually followed by "I already have plans" or something that the teenagers can think of to avoid hanging out with that wierd 31 yr old guy that keeps talking to them, but tonight the response was positive.
So I quickly went and rented a couple of movies, grabbed some Mountain Dew, Frozen Pizzas and popcorn and rushed back home. Three guys came over and we had fun ripping each other in bowling and other games, then one other guy said he wanted to come, so we all piled in the van (including Ryan) to go get him.
On the way there Ryan was just chatting it up with the guys in the back of the van, as they were making each other laugh, interacting as only Freshman and 2-year-olds can.
We picked up D and then a friend Phil came over and wanted to jump in the van to come hang out as well. So now we have a party!
Ryan had a blast and made two of the boys go out back with him and they jumped on the trampoline together, playing hide and seek and wrestling (again as only freshman and 2-yr-old boys can), Ryan having a blast the whole time.
Ryan was quite disappointed to have to go to bed as his new friends were still here playing Wii and jumping on the trampoline. As I prayed with him tonight, I asked him what his favorite part of the day was and he said "hide seek with new friends"
The joy for me is two-fold. I think I'm finally making in-roads with a few of these kids, they will at least come over if I promise them pizza and Wii. Secondly, Ryan gets to see how we make friends with these kids that look and act nothing like us, but we can still be friends. I pray that I have the opportunity to share the wonderful Gospel message with these boys over the next few months, but will be happy if I just get a few more moments of hanging out with them.
Thank you Lord for these friends and the impact that they have on my and my family's lives. I pray that they would see right through me and see you and your love and they would desire that love in their life....Amen.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Mazatlan Trip---lots of detail.
Upon arriving in Mazatlan, I realized immediately that we stepped out of the oven and into the steamer! The weather wass very humid there and was constantly sweating, even though we had very little sun and have not hit 90 at all.
When we arrived we went on a little tour of the city and stopped at a neat lookout point where we saw a cliff jumper go from about 50 feet up into what he said was 5 feet of water! It was amazing. The other young guy, Weston offered me money to go do it, but I didn't have a towel, so I decided not to. :-)
We were all hungry so we went to a local restaurant called Panama, which is one that supports Carlos and Marilu in their ministry with regular food donations for the feeding centers (more on that in a minute). The food was absolutely amazing, so tasty and healthful. I have to figure out how to make or where to get Sopes, they are incredible. They're like a dinner version of a shortcake, somewhat like a cornbread. Very tasty!
We then went to where we are staying at Carlos and Marilu's house. Weston, Doug, Steve and I are staying in a room with two bunk beds and a very small air conditioning unit. We kicked the two guys down stairs that are admitted snorers!
Carlos and Marilu are very neat people, they've been married for 28 years and Carlos has been a Christian for 18 years now. You can see their love for the people and their love for each other as they go throughout their day. Their daughter Gabby is a teacher locally and is engaged to be married in December to Mike who is a Canadian that works with Carlos in the ministry. Love is a universal language as they remind me of many American couples who are engaged, with lots of "mi amor" going back and forth. They are both also EXCELLENT translators.
Thursday night we went to their regular church service, where there was a neat time of worship. About 1/2 of their songs were songs that were written in English and translated into Spanish, so I was able to sing along with some (the overhead projector was not working). Steve then shared the message and did a wonderful job, as many enjoyed the message of encouragement. We stayed around afterward and I got to talk to the teenage boy who led worship and did a wonderful job. He and Weston had fun talking about a couple of songs that they both knew, as I looked on and realized how little I know on the guitar!
We went straight home and were in bed by about 10, as this morning was an early rise morning. We were at the first feeding center at about 7am to see the program that they put on there. Every day there are 4 centers throughout the city that feed a total of 200 children at least one meal a day. This is the time that affected me the greatest. The area was in a neighborhood with deplorable conditions. It is surrounded by a salt water marsh and is an area without plumbing or trash collection. The people in the area have out houses that have a 4 inch pipe that goes directly into the marsh, so the marsh is full of trash and human waste and an odor that is overwhelming at times.
One of the cool things that they are doing down here is building houses for people in the area that have land, but unacceptable housing conditions. They showed us some of the 11 houses that they have built in the last year and a half. They can build one of these houses for a mere $4,000 and some labor. I am thinking that I might be moved to organize a team to go back and build a house and do some child evangelism.
Afterwards we went to Panama again and had a wonderful breakfast and a time of talking and praying about the day ahead. By about 10 we were heading into the prison. The prison is much cleaner and not as crowded as I had expected. We started our time there by holding a worship service in a ramada in the middle of the prison yard. Larry shared his very powerful testimony and I shared an encouraging word from John 6:1-15. It was wierd using a translator, but I found it kind of nice to have a second to think about what you were going to say next without an awkward pause. We then went into a secluded cell block for recovering drug addicts. They tell us that about 30 of the 90 prisoners in that area are now Christians, and they have the highest success with staying off of drugs. Doug shared from 2Cor and we got to have lunch (brought in from outside, but prepared inside) and spend some time just talking and hanging out with some of the Christian prisoners.
One thing that was a blessing to me is the surprising amount that I was able to understand. I was able to catch most of what they say when they are talking and was able to make do when there's no translator around. :-) I realized when I thought about it that I had not studied or practiced Spanish in over 12 years!
Friday night we had the prayer meeting that started at 7. Steve and Paul shared something each from the Bible (maybe 5-10 minutes each) and there was extended periods of prayer. It was neat to listen to the passion and love that they had in their voices as they prayed. It was also interesting to listen as 3-4 people pray out loud at the same time. Doug, Paul and I split duties as we got to take communion together. I did a few minutes on the significance of the bread and Paul shared about the cup while Doug tied it all together. I have been quite impressed with Doug has he has been thrust into a few situations and has had wonderfully thoughtful things to share with those there. After communion, we took a few minutes break and then it was an open prayer and share time, where we got to hear a few testimonies and some prayer requests. I marvelled at how all of these things could have been easily said in a meeting at Faith Bible at home, just with a few twists, but the human condition is the same here as it is there.
The prayer meeting went until 10, and then about half of the people there (there were probably 50 originally) drove to the top of a nearby mountain to pray for the city. We drove around to three different parts of the mountain to pray over all of the city. These people have wonderful passion in their prayers and genuine concern for the condition of those in the city and the impact that Mazatlan could have as a port and tourist city.
Funny story- They appearantly don't eat dinner here past 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and Weston and I didn't realize this (well, we were the only ones complaining) and during the break at the prayer meeting (about 9pm), we were saying how hungry we were when we realized that the communion was saltine crackers, so Weston went and snagged us a couple of crackers. We commented how they were the best saltines we had!!!
We got to bed after 11 and were back up at 615 this morning for the men's prayer breakfast. There were 15 or so men there, from computer network engineers to unemployed ex-cons. Larry, Weston and I shared a bit (I shared my testimony, which I wasn't expecting to do, but it went well) and then we got to hear a couple of testimonies from a couple of men who had been encarcerated. This meeting was in one of the other feeding centers and after a breakfast of eggs and refried beans.
Afterward we went to see the fourth feeding center. This was the newest and just completed in July. They purchased the land from a couple in the church and then built a building large enough for a church/feeding center on the main level with two classrooms and then three bedrooms upstairs with a bathroom for the family to live in. The family that they purchased it from now runs the feeding center and lives there. They hope to have a church there soon.
We went back home for a short break before heading into the prison. Saturday was family visitation day in the prison, so it was quite busy there, and created an atmosphere more similar to what I expected, with lots of vendors and people running around and yelling and making noise. There were a lot more people at the open air ramada that we did teaching at. Paul tought and then Weston did a lesson with some singing, a little service. We went into a different cell block that I felt much more dangerous and "predatored" with people begging and asking for something constantly. Steve did a great lesson for those there and we had another service and then a lunch again of eggs with refried beans, not my favorito.
I think today's experience was a much more realistic view of what goes on in the prison. Saturday afternoon we went to the Old Mazatlan downtown and walked around a marketplace that was established in 1899. It was pretty much what you would expect with people constantly yelling and asking you to buy things that are pretty low quality.
Saturday night we went to a nice seafood restaurant in the "Zona Dorada" to take the family out. I got to see (from a distance) that last 3 innings of the final DBacks/Cubbies game, so that was a special treat for me. We had a rocous time and even did a pretend birthday for one of the guys, but they thought it was me, so I am now Pablo, the silly American that had the happy birthday sung to him.
Sunday morning was a blur as we rushed from home to breakfast, then off to church service, then off to the airport to head home.
The entire trip was fast, and it was amazing to see God's work in all of the people there. I hope to be able to go back again sometime.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Finally able to share
Today the church is sending out a letter informing the congregation that our Children's Director of 7 years is leaving to pursue her college degree she has wanted all of her life.
If the same letter, the congregation was informed that yours truly will be taking over as the "interim part-time children's director" for the forseeable future, at least until the church can finish the building project.
I am quite excited to take over and help the church in this capacity. This in no way deters me from pursuing a position in Young Life, which is where we still sense God is calling my family.
I'll be starting November 5th and there will be a period of a month or so where we are both on staff.
Thanks for your prayers in this, I am excited to get the experience and use some of my experience to make some positive changes and add some more energy to an already energetic children's program.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Nintendo Wii
After a bunch of phone calls and numerous outbids on eBay, I found the coveted item at my local Best Buy.
Since the children are not allowed to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of the Wii-tree (they don't know we have it) we play at night only. Remember, this is a ministry thing, so that's when the Young Life high school kids are over anyways.
The Wii comes with a 5 sport game pack. Boxing (Lame), Golf (pretty solid), Bowling (my favorite), Baseball (fun, but lacks realism) and Tennis, which is where the story begins. As you know Rachelle was state champion and All-American tennis player in high school (OK, not really, but she could whip my butt--she was captain of her team) the tennis game intrigued her.
The Wii system is played with realistic movements, so to hit a forehand, you swing the Wiimote like a forehand, if you swing wrong, so does your player. The controller also picks up speed and timing, making it challenging but fun.
So, she plays the Wii for the first time. I show her how to play and in a controlled motion, "swat" the Wiimote back and forth and have some level of success. Rachelle then takes the controller and immediately assumes what I call the "ready position" for tennis. As the ball is returned back to her, I can see the glory days of high school rushing back like the wind as she quickly sets her feet for an appropriate forehand, quickly she is back to ready and then switches feet to return a backhand, then jumps and swings the killer overhead shot that whizzes by the opposing player.
I am sitting and enjoying the show (I'm not even watching the TV) and Rachelle zings a killer cross-court forehand and the sweat she had built up caused the Wiimote to slip from her hands and fly across the room! A complete crackup. A few minutes later while doing some of her fancy footwork, Rachelle comes up limping from a masterful backhand winner with a twisted knee! She was able to go on and finish the match in style, but not without another twist or two to the knee. I am envisoning the conversations at church the next week. "So what happened to your knee, Rachelle?"..."Oh, I tore my ACL playing tennis...........on..........the........Wii."
Here's the funny part. The next two days Rachelle refuses to play, due to the fact that her arm muscles are sore from playing Wii tennis.
I love this thing.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Yuma News
It was a very difficult decision as the situation in Yuma appeared to be a natural fit for Keith and his work, but as we prayed we realized that we were liking the job and not feeling called to the ministry.
This does not change to calling to YoungLife as a career, just not in Yuma right now.
Stay tuned as more news is coming about what Keith will be doing in Phoenix, top secret stuff that can't be told yet.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Good Day
OK, that's not how it happened, the kids fought over who got to carry my gift up the stairs to me at 6:30am, so I was already awake when they pummeled me on the bed. :-) Then they proceeded to open my gift for me (I think they were a bit sad to see it was a shirt for me)
I was able to spend time with the kids, who were exceptionally well behaved as we had to wait for over an hour for delivery of some appliances at a listing of mine (I usually can't behave that well) and we spent the day running errands and generally having fun spending time together. My lovely wife also checked in on me more than usual (always a treat) and didn't even look at me cross when she found out that I thought that vaccuming meant just the downstairs (an error that will be corrected before I go work tomorrow).
My in-laws came over this evening and we all enjoyed some cake and ice cream.
My only complaint (besides that my birthday fell on one of Rachelle's work days) was this silly tradition that our family has fallen into about waiting to celebrate Rachelle and I's birthdays together at a date that is usually after her birthday (making my wait over 1 week!). :-) Also, my hope is dimming for the flat screen TV I was anticipating. :-)
Here's a recent cute video of those two kids practicing their Bible memory verses. It's worth spending a few moments (assuming you have high speed internet)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Trouble again
This means a few things:
- Rachelle is currently working
- I am not (not surprising)
- Ryan is sleeping
- Kate is at work with Rachelle
- I have very few things to make my time productive
I've tirelessly attempted to convince my wife that a Nintendo Wii (with the sports game pack) is appropriate for times such as these (another is scheduled for Wed afternoon), but she seems to be satisfied with the amount of money it takes to have me nap instead of play Wii.
I've tried the youth ministry avenue, pouting, aggression, begging, bribery as well as batting my eyes at her. Nothing seems to crack that shell of hers. I've even suggested that the appropriate time might be oh say this Wed when I celebrate the day of my birth, but I know I only waste air in convincing her of this.
I will keep trying, this I promise you.
On an entirely different note...
This Friday is a big day for us as we head to Yuma to visit. Please pray that if this is where God is calling us, that he would somehow make that very clear to us. I am terribly torn right now and thank God every day that I have the wife that I do, someone that keeps me grounded and sees things that I don't (and vice-versa) in the situations. I am praying earnestly that we would either hear a clear calling or a closed door and that it would not be something in between.
We covet prayers, thanks.
Friday, August 17, 2007
- I have a wonderful wife who is earnestly praying for God's will in our life, even if it doesn't match up with her will and plans (she's a good planner, you know)
- I have a job that has allowed me the flexibility to spend an amazing amount of time with my kids in their formative years ( I could look at it as the real estate market stinks, and I have those days, too)
- I have in-laws that are not "out-laws" :) and are more like parents to me than my own
- I have high school friends that teach me so much about our God, while I am supposed to be the one teaching them
- I have a God who loves me and cares for me. He confuses me and is teaching me something now, of this I am confident. What he is teaching me, I don't exactly know
- I have a God that cares enough about me to awaken me to my selfish ways
- I have a God that has my best interest in mind, even if I am not sure it is my best interest
- I have a God that loves me so much, that he made the ultimate sacrifice for me
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thoughts by Rachelle
I was doing my normal run this morning (usually take the same route every morning), and as I turned a corner, I saw a Police car pulled over to the side behind a small SUV. At first I thought nothing of it - probably a routine pull over. There were cones put out just behind the cars. As I got closer, it became obvious that the SUV had crashed up over the curb and across the side walk into a tree. The gravel by the side walk was torn up, a bush was pulled out of the ground and a tree was over. The SUV was quite banged up in the front, although (and I don't know how), the driver appeared to be ok - was talking to the officer. So I passed by, thinking that was interesting. Then it started hitting me - if I had been there just a bit earlier (just at the "wrong" time), I could have been hit by the car as it came up on the side walk I run on. Or, it could have hit Keith who had just finished his run before me.
So I then started to think about why I did not get hit. Obviously, it was not God's plan and He protected me. We so often ask the question "Why did God let that bad thing happen to that person?", but how many times does God NOT allow that bad thing from happening? How often does God protect us and we don't even know it? Now why did God protect me today (or any other day)? Because He loves me? That may be part of it, but that is not the main reason for the short term protection (earthly protection), because I know God loves the people that die from these tragedies just as much as me. So love (in the way that we humans think of it) is not the answer. The only thing that makes sense to me is that it was not God's plan for me to die or be injured today, and when other "good" people die from tragedies, it WAS God's plan (yes, God's love, but much greater love than I think in). How wierd it is to think that people can die in tragedies because of God's love, but I think it may be so. It is not all about US but about HIM and HIS plan!
It is hard to imagine how terrible things can happen when God is in control. Yes, sin is in the world and is a powerful force, but God is still in control. One thought I had today is that God has an ETERNAL plan and we humans have a hard time thinking eternally. We think about love in earthly terms - we show love on earth by doing tangible earthly things. We want the people we love to be happy here on earth. God's love is so much bigger than this. So God can handle earthly tragedy when it is working for His eternal plan. I can't really grasp God's full love (it is beyond my comprehension), because it is so far beyond the earthly world I live in.
Just some thoughts....for whatever it is worth.....but after our discussion on Sunday, I thought I would share.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Interesting Times
These last few weeks have been interesting as we continue to explore where and when (not if) God is calling us into full time ministry with Young Life.
As I've spoken with John, the AZ regional director, he has mentioned numerous times and asked me to pray about Yuma. As Rachelle has felt more called into the ministry as a family, we met with John and his wife again about a month ago and he asked us again to take a look at Yuma, this time talking with some people about it.
Rachelle and I agreed, with the attitude of "it's a favor for John" and looking at it prayerfully, but not expecting anything. Our initial meeting was last week (with a YL VP that knows the situation really well) and we were both surprised how good the situation seem to fit our family and my skill set.
Next Friday, we head off to Yuma to take a closer look. Both Rachelle and I still desire to be here at home and stay in the Northwest Valley, but are feeling something that we need to take a look at Yuma.
I'm a bit anxious as I have a feeling that is where we'll end up, but it's not really what 'our' desires are. (Rachelle feels like we'll end up staying).
We ask for prayer that we'll: have a clear calling; be on the same page; that this would not take a long time to process.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
First Baseball Game

We got down there just as the game started and purchased one $6 seat. We started by going to the stadium shop to see if I could get Ryan a hat or a shirt. Once I saw the $17 prices, I decided that a inflatable bat was better suited for him.

We spent some time in the kids' playground area horsing around on the oversized bat, ball and glove that are there for the kids to get out some energy. Ryan enjoyed it to the fullest and climbed all over everything, taking time out to come and 'boom' Daddy with his new bat.

This was the first of what will be many father-son games. We both had so much fun.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
That's Hysterical
One recent day, Rachelle was talking to Kate how this didn't make Mommy and Daddy happy because they wanted to sleep. Kate responds by saying, "Mommy, remember adults like to sleep but kids don't".
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Kids are hilarious
Ryan has turned into a complete chatter box and any drive now includes him pointing out EVERY truck and school bus on our route. This tricky part is figuring out which one is which, as his enunciation has not reached a high level yet.
Kate as well is talking up a storm and sometimes beyond what I think a 3 year old should be saying. Here's a conversation between Daddy and Kate yesterday
"Kate, go get your shoes on, we're leaving for the baseball game. No flip-flops because we are going to do a lot of walking." (2 things to note here, 1 Kate ALWAYS wears flip-flops, 2-we were heading to a DVHS baseball game to see some of my high school Young Life friends)
Kate-"Daddy, I want to wear flip-flops, they are comprable (Comfortable)"
"No, you need to wear your Crocs, we are going to do a lot of walking"
"Daddy, let's discuss this." WHAT 3 year old says, let's discuss this? "How about this, I'll wear my flip-flops to the car and when we get to the ball game, I'll wear my Crocs."
How could I say no? Seemed like a reasonable solution to our problem. Unbelievable.
Then with Rachelle the other day, Kate comes in from another room and says, "OK Mommy, Here's the deal," then proceeds to tell us something that neither of us can now remember because we were laughing so hard.
Man, I love these kids.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
God's Peace Doesn't Make Sense Sometimes
There is no short way to tell this story, so forgive me.
A few years ago we bought a rental house for a family from Sweden that was here on a 3 year assignment for Volvo. We purchased the home with the intent of moving into it at the end of 3 years, which would have been June 2007.
In January, we put our home on the market with the intent of selling and moving into the Mansion as we call it (it is far bigger than we need, but has the ability to house ailing parents or Young Life leaders). The Swedes asked if they could stay two more years and we said no, as we wanted Kate to begin Kindergarten at the school in 1 year.
In mid February, no activity was happening on our current house, and I began to imagine the stress involved with two mortgage payments, so I called the Swedes and asked if they'd be interested in those two years still. They said yes if they knew for sure by the end of Feb.
On Feb 27 I told them they could have the two years and we signed an extension to the current lease. We decided to keep our house on the market as we figured it would take 8-10 months (our neighborhood's average) and then we'd move for a year and a half or so into a rental.
On Feb 28 (that's 1 day later for you non-math majors) our house sold.
Through God's grace, we found a great home at a great price to rent for the time being.
Here's the rub.
I'm not anxious about it. I tell my friends about this situation and they are like, "what, you own two houses and you live in neither?" We own a rental in NM-another story entirely.
I feel as I draw closer to God the things of this world that once made sense are starting to make less and less sense. This peace about being in a wierd situation is odd for me, but comforting.