So the last two months have thoroughly convinced me of God's sense of humor.
There is no short way to tell this story, so forgive me.
A few years ago we bought a rental house for a family from Sweden that was here on a 3 year assignment for Volvo. We purchased the home with the intent of moving into it at the end of 3 years, which would have been June 2007.
In January, we put our home on the market with the intent of selling and moving into the Mansion as we call it (it is far bigger than we need, but has the ability to house ailing parents or Young Life leaders). The Swedes asked if they could stay two more years and we said no, as we wanted Kate to begin Kindergarten at the school in 1 year.
In mid February, no activity was happening on our current house, and I began to imagine the stress involved with two mortgage payments, so I called the Swedes and asked if they'd be interested in those two years still. They said yes if they knew for sure by the end of Feb.
On Feb 27 I told them they could have the two years and we signed an extension to the current lease. We decided to keep our house on the market as we figured it would take 8-10 months (our neighborhood's average) and then we'd move for a year and a half or so into a rental.
On Feb 28 (that's 1 day later for you non-math majors) our house sold.
Through God's grace, we found a great home at a great price to rent for the time being.
Here's the rub.
I'm not anxious about it. I tell my friends about this situation and they are like, "what, you own two houses and you live in neither?" We own a rental in NM-another story entirely.
I feel as I draw closer to God the things of this world that once made sense are starting to make less and less sense. This peace about being in a wierd situation is odd for me, but comforting.
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