Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Reflections '11--Marriage


This word seems bland, boring and maybe not a great way to describe one's marriage.  2010 was a difficult year in the Baker house and at times it felt as if we were just surviving and not thriving.

The year began with me breaking and having major surgery on my leg, while my wife juggled work, taking care of me and our 3 kids, one of them only 3 months old.  We went into a season of difficulty from some people outside of our family and then to be honest, I wasn't the best husband and father, allowing the above things to affect my mood and personality.

So, while steadfast is not a sexy word, my wonderful (sexy) wife and her love this year was steadfast.  Don't worry this will not be the word for 2011

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Well said.

(i'm just now catching up on the blog...)