Saturday, September 11, 2010

John 15

I've been having a lot of real conversations with teens lately.  Not that I spend most of my time in fake conversations, but lately I've noticed them bringing more and more up questions that are just real and raw and have a general sense of wanting to do what is right.

Many of these questions start with, "How do I handle this..." and are very gray and often no direct answer Biblically to the question.  I keep finding myself hanging my hat on John 15.

How do I know if this or that is right? Well, I stay connected to the vine and trust that the Holy Spirit will lead, seek wisdom and knowledge from others who are ahead of me on this path, and pray the begeebers out of the situation.

I'm really glad Chuck Rose made me memorize that in college.

1 comment:

Steve said...

those "begeebers" are tough to pray out :-)

Well said Mr. Baker, well said...