Saturday, September 11, 2010

A baby or a toddler?

All of a sudden, I feel like Kara is no longer a baby, and yet she is only 10 1/2 months old. She walks confidently with good balance now, plays games like peek a boo, chase, hiding around the corner from someone and reappearing while laughing, etc., is imitating many things (trying to draw on paper with a pen, pointing the remote at the t.v., scrubbing floors with a towel), loves blowing kisses, especially when saying bye bye to someone, claps when she is proud of herself, is saying a few words: mama, da (for daddy), yea, dah (for dog) and gonga for "thank you" when someone gives her something, and she LOVES her baby doll, giving it kisses, pushing it around in a stroller, patting its back.

She is also becoming more like a toddler with expecting to get what she wants. She is quite vocal when we are not paying attention to her or when she is not getting what she wants. We are already saying "no" to her quite a bit, not just with things she is getting into but with her whiny cry when she is upset that she did not get something she wanted. Kara also thinks it's a great time to cut back to just one nap! She is sleeping longer at night (about 12 hours, 8pm-8am) and then only taking one nap late morning. I'm still hoping this one nap thing is a strange phase and she will return to two naps soon!

This evening, we were outside walking around as Kate and Ryan were riding their bikes. Kara would see them and then they would disappear for a few minutes around the corner in the back, and Kara would put her hands up with a look of "where did they go?". Then they'd reappear and she would start laughing with delight! Kara is so much fun...oh how I love her giggles and all her expressions!

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