The kids continue to be hilarious.
One recent day, Rachelle was talking to Kate how this didn't make Mommy and Daddy happy because they wanted to sleep. Kate responds by saying, "Mommy, remember adults like to sleep but kids don't".
Then last night, we were at dinner at the Swank Estate and were all talking at the dinner table, talking about Kate's day and Kate shared the fact that Jackson (the wiener dog that we are watching for the weekend) chased the Flufinator (our rabbit) earlier today. Grandpa asked if it was funny, and Kate responded that it was "hysterical"
Ryan has recently made my eyes well up with tears of pride. We bought him a tee-ball set a while back that he's shown some interest in, mainly to whack the tee over with the bat. Well, last week I tried again to show him how to hit the ball with two hands on the bat. He took to it like a fish to water. He now goes out every day and whacks the ball a few times. He gets really good rotation and hits the ball pretty far! My eyes are welling up as I type this.
Ryan's also a big jester. He thinks it's very funny to play with you and say no when you ask him for a hug and kiss (formally very easy to get from him). When you ask he'll say no, and then get a smirk on his face and turn away from you. He cracks me up.
On a separate note, as I was leaving Young Life club the other night I looked up and saw the longest, brightest shooting star I've ever seen. What an awesome reminder it was to me as I realized how vast this universe is and I have a God that cares about my silly 'needs' that are not really needs at all. So awesome.